Weight Loss

Monday, October 22, 2012

week 20

ok so sorry about the blog i have been slacking big time on keep you all updated.  but we are twenty weeks in and twenty four and a half lbs down.  with twenty and a half lbs to go still.....

i ran another 5 k with a time of thirty one min. but do havee to admit that now its colder and gets dark so early excercising has become less and less...ive decided im going to have to drop some cash and buckle down at a gym this winter.

meausements will be coming soon...sorry i have a very busy and active toddler and have limited time...thanks for still supporting me in my journey.  keep it up cuz times are hard with food struggles and slacking....thanks

With a total weight loss so far of : 24.5 lbs

week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0

week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb

week 11:0
week 12:0
week 13: 2 lbs
week 14: 0
week 15:0

week 16: 0
week 17: 1lb
week 18: 0
week 19:0
week 20: 0
(_21_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight: 146
Goal Weight: 125

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

week 15 & 16

Week 15
Tuesday: ran 4.1 miles!!!!
Wednesday: ran 4.1 miles


Week 15 weigh in is here! So here it goes....

This week:0

With a total weight loss so far of : 23lbs

week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
week 11:0
week 12:0
week 13: 2 lbs
week 14: 0
week 15:0
(_22_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight: 147
Goal Weight: 125

sorry this is late....

Saturday: Ran 3.1 miles...
Tuesday: ran 4.1 miles!!!!



Week 16 weigh in is here! So here it goes....

We were on vacation this week so only got out once to run...
Tuesday: 3 miles... it was way too hot in FL

This week:0 lbs

With a total weight loss so far of : 23 lbs gone! (1/2 way to my goal weight!)

week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
week 11:0
week 12:0
week 13: 2 lbs
week 14: 0
week 15:0
week 16:0
(_22_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight: 147
Goal Weight: 125

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

week 14

sorry this is late....

Saturday: Ran 3.1 miles...
Tuesday: ran 4.1 miles!!!!


Week 14 weigh in is here! So here it goes....

This week:0 lbs

With a total weight loss so far of : 23 lbs gone! (1/2 way to my goal weight!)

week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
week 11:0
week 12:0
week 13: 2 lbs
week 14: 0
(_22_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight: 147
Goal Weight: 125

Monday, September 3, 2012

My 1st 5k!!!!

I did it... all the training... all the nights i didnt want to run but did.... paid off!

No stopping... ALL running.... and I had FUN!

since it was a fun run ... i dont have an exact time.... but I ran it between 29-32 min....

I have an addiction now.... running... and hoping to get up to a 1/2 marathon! :)

Friday, August 31, 2012

week 13

Tuesday: ran 3.1 miles
Wednesday: ran 3.4 miles
TOMORROW: my 1st 5k race... pics and blog entry to follow!


Week 13 weigh in is here! So here it goes....

This week:2 lbs

With a total weight loss so far of : 23 lbs gone! (1/2 way to my goal weight!)


week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0

week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
week 11:0
week 12:0
week 13: 2 lbs
(_22_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight: 147
Goal Weight: 125

Saturday, August 25, 2012

3 months!!!

Sunday: ran 2.75 miles
Saturday: ran 3 miles
(only ran 2x this week... was dealing with a sick little one and family in town too)


Week 12 weigh in is here! So here it goes....

This week: zero

With a total weight loss so far of : 21 pounds
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
week 11:0
week 12:0
(_24_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight:149
Goal Weight: 125

Bust: 40  ---------Lost 3"

Waist: 35.5"---------Lost 2.5"

Hips: 35"-----------Lost 1"

Leg: 18.5"---------Lost 2.5"

Bicep: 11.5"----------Lost .5"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

week 11

Week 11- a few days late...


Saturday: ran 2.5 miles
Wednesday: ran 3.4 miles!!!!!!!
Friday: ran 2.5 miles walked 2 min... then ran 1 more mile


Week 11 weigh in is here! So here it goes....

This week: zero

With a total weight loss so far of : 21 pounds
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
week 11:0
(_24_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight:149
Goal Weight: 125

Friday, August 10, 2012

Week 10


Monday: ran 2.5 miles
Thursday: ran 2.5 miles
(my 3rd run will be Friday night)


Week 10 weigh in is here! Its Friday!!!! So here it goes....

This week: 1 lb

With a total weight loss so far of : 21 lbs!
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs

week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0

week 9: 2 lbs
Week 10: 1 lb
(_24_ LBS To GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight:149
Goal Weight: 125

Thursday, August 2, 2012

week 9


Sunday: Ran 2.75 miles
Wednesday: ran a lame 1.5 miles (with stroller)
Thursday: Ran 2.5miles


Week 9 weigh in is here! Its Friday!!!! So here it goes....

This week: 2lbs

With a total weight loss so far of : 20 lbs!
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs

week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
week 9: 2 lbs
(_25_ LBS TO GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight:150
Goal Weight: 125

Saturday, July 28, 2012

2 months- 8 week weigh-in


Monday: ran 2.5 miles
Wednesday: ran 2.75 miles
(my 3rd run will be sat. night/sunday am)


Week 8 weigh in is here! Its Friday!!!! So here it goes....

This week: zero

With a total weight loss so far of : 18 lbs!
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs

week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
week 8: 0
(_27_ LBS TO GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current Weight:152
Goal Weight: 125

Bust: 40.5"  ---------Lost 2.5"

Waist: 36"---------Lost 2"

Hips: 36"

Leg: 20"---------Lost 1"

Bicep: 12"

Friday, July 20, 2012

week 7

Saturday: 1/2 a carrot (baked like chips), baby carrots,  one hamburg patty, green salad, one apple (did have a bite with caramel dip)

Sunday: 2 cups of coffee, sauteed onions, one hamburg patty, 1/4 cup of apple sauce, ran 2.5 miles

Monday:2 cups of coffee, 1/2 a sweet potato, 2 eggs, and a sm. handful of sunflower seeds

Tuesday: 1 cup of coffee, green salad, some pork tenderloin, one chicken wing

Wednesday: 1 cup of tea, 3 eggs, ran 2 miles, some pork tenderloin leftovers, sunflower seeds, and 3 bites of TC's frozen yogurt

Thursday: 2 cups of coffee, 1/2 of a small sweet potato,ran 2.75 miles, and one Italian sausage, 1 glass of coconut milk

Friday: 2 eggs, one cup of coffee...so far...


Week 7 weigh in is here!  Its Friday!!!!  So here it goes....

This week: 3 lbs!!!!!

With a total weight loss so far of : 18 lbs!
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs

week 6: 4 lbs
week 7: 3 lbs
(_27_ LBS TO GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current weight: 152
Goal Weight: 125

Friday, July 13, 2012

week 6

Saturday:ran 2.25 miles one green salad, one carrot, and 9 mild chicken wings

Sunday: 2 cups of coffee, 4 hard boiled eggs, large handful of sunflower seeds

Monday: one cup of coffee, ran 2.5 miles, handfull of cashews, one plain hotdog no bun

Tuesday: green salad, one latte, one zucchini (cut up like noodles and steamed), small handful of sunflower seeds

Wednesday: green salad, ran 2 miles, green salad, spagetti squash, one hamburg patty

Thursday: one latte, a few sunflower seeds, and one sweet potato

Friday:  2 cups of coffee, -totally blew it today... i guess its my one cheat day for awhile!- slice of cornbread, and cheesy rice burrito/ small. taco...taco bell.... oh boy....


Week 6 weigh in is here!  Its Friday!!!!  So here it goes....

This week: 4 lbs!  :)  feel like im back on track!

With a total weight loss so far of : 15
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs

week 6: 4 lbs
(_30__ LBS TO GO!)

Beginning weight: 170
Current weight: 155
Goal Weight: 125

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1st rough day....

So Im on week 7 of running and week 6 of this lifestyle change.  I am starting to see a little bit/ tiny bit of results on my body... but I have to admit.  This has been a rough day for me for some reason.  It started off with me not reaching my goal of running 2.5 miles today... i have done it before, and I know its great I at least got out there.  But I have officially signed up for a 5k race and its in 7 weeks!  I dont know what it was today my muscles are super sore, and just didnt have the drive to get through it. 

I literally had a major break down after my run so so so upset that I couldnt do it.  Part me being an emotional girl, and the other fear that I wont be able to finish the 5k. 

Which after that break down I felt mad about everything.  When I saw others eat junk food, saw people chow down pizza, ect.... I just wanted to eat everything!  I didnt but was bitter about this lifestyle change.  I know ti will all pay off... but today is a hard day! 

Hanging in there.... just showing my heart,,,,

Friday, July 6, 2012

week 5

Monday: a few almonds, went on run 1 of 3, a hamburg patty, 2 small slices of watermelon

Tuesday: a stalk of celery, 1/4 of a chicken breast, one hot dog no roll

Wednesday: 2 eggs, 2 slices of cucumber/ 2 baby carrots, one chicken breast plain, green salad, one sm. slice of watermelon, one slice of turkey, green salad

Thursday: 1/2 a sm. sweet potato, sunflower seeds, green salad, (stole one of Landon's tator tots), went on run 2 of 3, a few blueberries....

Friday: one small carrot, sunflower seeds, 2 eggs, hamgburg patty, green salad (run 3 of 3 is saturday)


Week 5 weigh in is here!  Its Friday!!!!  So here it goes....

This week: a big whopping zero

With a total weight loss so far of : 11
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
week 5: 0 lbs
(_34__ LBS TO GO!)

Bust:  43"

Waist: 38"

Hips: 36"

Leg: 21"

Bicep: 12"

Sunday, July 1, 2012

week 4 eating chart

Monday:  a few cashews, green salad with a little bit of grilled chicken

Tuesday: went on run 1 of 3, a stalk of celery,2 cups of coffee,  pork tenderloin

Wednesday: went on run 2 of 3, A stalk of celery, a little bit of rosted butternut squash, hamburg patty, and steamed broccoli

Thursday: 2 eggs, green salad, (ate 1/2 a chip), a small handful of cashews, and a coconut milk Popsicle

Friday:went on run 3 of 3, 1 tablespoon of cashews, chicken taco salad (did have a tablespoon of rice and tomatoes on it... which is a no-no) but oh so Delicious...and i turned down ice cream!

Saturday: handful of almonds, (when making a fruit pizza for a family party) I licked the spoon and scraped the bowl for the cream cheese frosting... errr so mad at myself! , one plain hotdog no bun

Sunday: 2 eggs, steamed broccoli, green salad, chicken breast, and 1 1/2 ribs

1st Measuring...

Ok so I went out and bought a measuring tape to check myself that way as well....

Embarrassing Enough here it goes...

Bust:  43"

Waist: 38"

Hips: 36"

Leg: 21"

Bicep: 12"

I just have to remember 11 months from now... this will be alot lower!

Friday, June 29, 2012

One month weigh-in!

So today's the day that marks one month for this lifestyle change!

Week 4 weigh in is here!  Its Friday!!!!  So here it goes....

This week: zero.... :( I dont understand.....

With a total weight loss so far of : 11lbs
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
week 4: 0 lbs
(__34_ LBS TO GO!)..still

i need to start measuring myself... need to find a measuring tape!  I feel better up to 2 miles of running now.  Still doing good eating!  need encouragement!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Success Stories...

PCOS weight loss success stories with Paleo Diet:

http://robbwolf.com/2011/05/30/real-life-testimonial-paleo-for-pcos-infertility/ (warning... contains some bad language)

http://primalgirl.wordpress.com/about/-  this was one that made me decide now is the time to make my own success story!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Something you have daily- is as addictive as cocaine!!

Addictive as Cocaine, Fructose Fuels Cancer and Obesity as American Diet Staple
  • The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TVInfowars.com TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store

Anthony Gucciardi
November 9, 2011
Fructose, a staple in the diet of many Americans, is continually being pegged by scientific research as a significant player in the development and spread of cancer.
Furthermore, a growing number of studies are finding fructose, and the processed foods in which it is contained, to be as addictive as cocaine.
With highly-popular fructose tied to obesity and cancer growth, is it any wonder that the health of American citizens is in decline?
One new study, published in the Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, analyzed the link between refined sugar consumption and cancer. What the researchers found was that excess fructose consumption can actually damage the body in a number of ways beyond the development of cancer, including:
DNA damage
Altered cellular metabolism
Increased production of free radicals
Research published in the journal Cancer Research reached similar conclusions, finding that the way in which sugar is metabolized stimulates cancer growth. Even more concerning is the fact that the scientists performed the study using cells from one of the deadliest forms of cancer – pancreatic cancer. The researchers reported:
Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different … These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation.
As if the carcinogenic nature of fructose wasn’t threatening enough, 50 percent of high-fructose corn syrup has actually been found to contain toxic mercury.
The negative effects of excess fructose – particularly high-fructose corn syrup – are clear, so why would anyone willingly choose to consume heavy amounts of fructose on a daily basis? Well, besides the fact that many individuals are unaware of the adverse health consequences, people are routinely consuming significant amounts of fructose due to it being highly addictive.
Consumers addicted to carcinogenic high-fructose corn syrup
In fact, a large body of research is threatening the structural integrity of the $1 trillion food and beverage industry by revealing just how addictive fructose can be. Food addiction is becoming quite a popular topic in the scientific community, and the results may lead to big changes. This year alone, 28 studies and papers were published on the subject of food addiction, according to a National Library of Medicine database. One such study found that fructose and sucralose are even in the same league as cocaine.
‘The data is so overwhelming the field has to accept it,’ said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. ‘We are finding tremendous overlap between drugs in the brain and food in the brain.’
Manufacturers of processed foods which contain high amounts of high-fructose corn syrup, fructose, or sucralose are not only endangering the health of consumers, but are also contributing to massive addiction to these health-destroying ingredients. It is very possible that as more research comes out on the manner, a full-fledged consumer backlash will spawn as a result, similar to the uproar seen against tobacco companies after information surfaced linking cigarettes to adverse health reactions.

Week 3 eating chart

Monday: small handfull of cashews, green salad, one small sweet potato

Tuesday: green salad, sugar free/all natural green tea, a few cashews, and 1/2 a zucchini

Wednesday: one cup of tea, went on run 1 of 3, green salad, chicken drumstick on the grill, went swimming

Thursday: small handful of cashews, and 6 blueberries (I was craving something sweet)

Friday: went on run 2 of 3, ate 1/2  a sweet potato, one hamburg patty, and a few mixed nuts

Saturday: went on run 3 of 3, had a few blueberries, did yard work all morning, one hamburg patty, chicken breast, green salad, and 1/2 a small sweet potato

Sunday: 2 eggs,green salad, one hanburg patty, homemade chicken fajita (with a large lettuce leaf instead of tortilla shell)

Friday, June 22, 2012

weigh in 3....

Week 3 weigh in is here!  Its Friday!!!!  So here it goes....

i feel like i worked hard this week... and I've been good with what I ate.... kinda disappointed....

This week: 1 little pound  :(.... bummer

With a total weight loss so far of : 11 lbs
week 1: 4lbs
week 2: 6lbs
week 3: 1lb
(__34_ LBS TO GO!)

but that is still one less pound on my body....

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Oh health foods...

Monday:  1/4 cup of cottage cheese, one hamburg patty, and lettuce salad

Tuesday: 1/4 cup cottage cheese,one cup of coffee, one sm. sweet potato, and a grilled chicken breast

Wednesday: 2 eggs, went on run 1 of 3, one cup of coffee, one third of a banana, green salad, one sausage

Thursday: 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds, cup of coffee, and one glass of orange juice

Friday: 1/2 glass of orange juice, went on run 2 of 3,  2 Tablespoons of cashews, one piece of salami, small piece of cheese, and a hotdog (NO bun)-*hotdogs are something i should stay away from though...

Saturday: one italian sausage, toss salad, and 2 hamburg patties, one cup of coffee (had a family party, made a cake, and didnt eat anything i wasn't supposed to...woohoo!!!)

Sunday: went on run 3 of 3, 2 Tablespoons of cashews, one hot dog no bun, a slice of cheese, green salad, and grilled lamb, went swimming

Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 2 weight in is here!  Its Friday!!!!  So here it goes....

This week: 6 pounds lost!

With a total weight loss so far of : 10lbs!!!!

(35 LBS TO GO!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


After finishing The Dark Side of Fat Loss: Lessons from the Underground BY: Sean Croxton- It all makes sense to why i never kept up with all my past diets.  I would start maybe loose a pound or two and then give up....It all comes down to your reason to loose weight... ask Why?! 
In the past I would have the ideo to loose weight for prom, wedding, a specific event, or just becasue i thought i needed to.  But when it came down to it- those were all hollow reasons for a diet...and short lived!

In order to stick with a diet... ask yourself "why?" Why are you doing this?  Do you have a BIG ENOUGH why?

So I know now that I have a big enough why!!!....
There it is... my boys... they are my world!  I don't want to miss a thing, and want to be able to hop and run around after my toddler!!! 

There is no other option.... this weight loss is gonna stick and Im sticking to it!!!

random fact..... (are you still craving sugar now?!)

Sugar cravings are often caused by an overgrowth of

fungus in the intestines.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Accountability with what I put in my mouth...

Monday: 1/4 cup of greek yogurt,(one cup of coffee), spinach salad with 1/2 avacado (with lemon juice), 1/4 cup cottage cheese, small hand-full of sunflower seeds, and one tomato ... also worked out with my gymnasts for 1 hr

Tuesday: 1/2 cup of yogurt, one cup of coffee, sliced tomato with ground pepper, a few baby carrots, and one hamburg patty (one mini milestone.... didnt touch the pizza and wings at a party!) :)

Wednesday: sunflower seeds, 1/4cup yogurt, one cup coffee, spinich salad with lemon juice, squash (spaghetti quash that is...) with ground turkey meatballs

Thursday: went on run 1 of 3, cup of coffee, spinach greens with lemon juice

Friday: 2 cups of coffee, one chicken breast (plain and grilled), one small "greens" salad, one sausage, and.... went on run 2 of 3

Saturday: 2 eggs with a tiny bit of broccoli, went on run 3 of 3 this week, one hamburg patty

Sunday: 2 eggs, went swimming and on a walk, some sunflower seeds, one sweet potato, chicken breast, some baby carrots, and lettuce

Friday, June 8, 2012

I want to shout it from the rooftops!

Fridays are my new weigh-in days....  These are the days that I hope will show me why I have been working so hard all week.  So today, my first weigh-in day and I am thrilled.  It hasn't even been a full week, and I lost

  4 POUNDS!!! 

I know some of that can be water weight, but I feel great.  I surprisingly have a ton of energy, find myself chasing my toddler around more and playing more with him by running, hopping, and skipping!  Now im 4 lbs closer to my goal!!!!!

(I am keeping a tracker of everything i eat and drink, I will post it on Sunday when its been a full week!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Dark Side of Fat Loss

A friend sent me the link for a e-book called "The Dark Side of Fat Loss, Lessons from the Underground" by: Sean Croxton

I have found it very interesting so far and helps explain what my body is going through with insulin resistance and how to break out of that cycle!  Here are just a few facts i found helpful!

symptoms of insulin resistance

General fatigue, especially after meals

Difficulty losing weight

Always hungry

Need for sweets after meals

Cravings for sweets are not satisfied by eating them

Frequent urination

Waist circumference equal to or greater than hips

Excessive thirst

Irritability and anger when going too long between meals

Because excess sugar in the blood—the technical term is blood glucose—is actually quite toxic. When glucose is too high, it can slowly wear down and damage cells throughout your body including your brain cells, eye cells, kidney cells, blood vessels, red blood cells, and more.

Knowing what you know about leptin resistance, you can probably guess how insulin resistance works. However, this time it’s not your brain that becomes deaf, dumb, and blind to the hormonal call but rather your liver and muscle cells. By consuming an inappropriate diet as well as the contributing factors listed on page 40, your liver and muscles eventually put chewing gum in their keyholes. Denied access to its receptors, insulin can no longer effectively bind and carry out its job of clearing glucose from the blood. This is really bad news for the rest of your cells, as they slowly drown in a sea of destructive sugar.

To make matters worse, elevated insulin gives

rise to inflammation, which triggers the release

of more cortisol. One of cortisol’s main duties is

to increase blood sugar. That’s the last thing you

want! With even more sugar being dumped into

the bloodstream, a vicious cycle ensues.

And you get fatter.

the consequences of excess insulin

Insulin impairs fatty acid metabolism, keeping you from burning fat.

In men, insulin increases estrogen by way of upregulating the hormone aromatase, which

converts testosterone to estradiol (estrogen). Men with elevated estrogen tend to hold fat on the chest, hips, and thighs.

In women, insulin increases testosterone, which may lead to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a condition that causes excess hair growth and infertility.

Insulin impairs liver detoxification. As you will learn in Chapter 9, the liver is a key player in

thyroid function as well as metabolizing and removing excess hormones from the body.

Insulin stimulates interleukin-6 (IL-6), an inflammatory substance known to damage the body

in many ways. Inflammation is involved in most, if not all, disease processes.

Caloric restriction will never defeat hormonal physiology dating back over 2 million years.

It’s not about the calories. It’s about standing up to the resistance. Insulin and leptin resistance, that is. Balancing blood sugar and becoming more insulin sensitive through diet, lifestyle modification, and removing hidden stressors will turn OFF fat-storing LPL and turn ON fat- burning HSL and glucagon. Eating more of the right foods will turn UP your thyroid and relight your metabolic fire so you can keep the pounds off for good.

Just Eat Real Food.
In other words, eat like your ancestors.

Whole, unprocessed, and unrefined

Pasture-raised and wild

Local, seasonal, and organic

really simple rules for

choosing real foods

If it wasn’t here 10,000 years ago, don’t eat it.

If it’s in the media, it’s probably bad for you.

If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, don’t eat it.

If your great-grandmother didn’t eat it, you

probably shouldn’t either.

If it comes in a box or bag, don’t eat it.

If your dog won’t eat it, you shouldn’t either.

If it doesn’t rot or spoil, don’t eat it.

If it’s been sprayed with chemicals, don’t eat it.